Tuesday 10 July 2012

Montana & Wyoming Day 12 - Dreggs, ID to Butte, MT

We finally made it back to Montana today! Hurrah! The day got off to a flying start - no, literally, we went flying (I can't believe I haven't used that terrible pun yet). We took off out of Dreggs (actually called Driggs - but where's the fun in spelling it correctly when it's so close to sounding awesome), heading back east to Wyoming

This morning we filmed some of the most awe inspiring epic stuff we have ever filmed, I reckon.

I don't have an actual screenshot, but it was like this:

'cept we were flying at 100mph at what felt like 5 ft above the water. One of the most epic locations on earth, methinks. The light was good, we were all in a good mood and it just felt like such an awesome start to the day.

After this, we transitioned briefly back through Idaho before returning to Montana. Montana is such a pretty state, immediately after crossing the continental divide we were greeted with rolling hills, lush forests, lakes, rivers, and not a single bloody animal! We did not see any sign of life all day. I was starting to think perhaps an earthquake was inbound - it was as if all the animals had left. Apart from cows, but they are too boring to really count (and probably too stupid to get out of the way of an earthquake).

We still have yet to film a moose. This saddens me, as they are comical looking beasts.


We filmed another ghost town, some more lakes, general picturesque stuff, before ending up in the town of Butte. A pretty early end to the day, as we need to get the helicopter in for maintenance (which is hopefully being finished off as I write this). 

I bought a shirt that makes my american get-up from last week look very, very tame. Pictures to follow in due course - the rest of the crew needs to see it in the flesh first and I don't want to ruin the surprise. 

Butte, or butt, as we call it - is an old mining town, which more recently became a new mining town as the price of copper has soared, making it profitable to start pulling it out of the town again. The black "pit" in the off-centre of the mine is 7,000 ft long, to give it some scale.

(and that's just the overground part - it goes down a mile underneath)

This is the 5th biggest town in Montana, so it's not exactly small!

Staying in fancy digs tonight, La Quinta. Has a gym - our first for a while. Am having an internal debate on the merits of going for a run at 6,000 ft altitude. Might give it a shot tomorrow morning if I wake up early. Am also debating drinking the tapwater here, as a flock of geese landed in that pit a few years back, and all 300 of them died pretty much instantly. It's more acidic than lemon juice!

Deep in cowboy country now. Think I might even take out a subscription to this popular local mag:

(I can see myself in that outfit - let's face it, it's pretty conservative compared to some thing i've been caught wearing).

Two more days of filming to go (weather permitting), then it's time to de-rig and start my own holiday. The last couple of weeks have gone by in a heartbeat. 

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