Monday 9 July 2012

Montana & Wyoming Day 10 - Cody, WY to Dubois, WY

As I sit here, feeling fat from the pizza I have consumed, and tipsy from the 4th beer I drank (compliments of the house - apparently ordering two beers at once in America means you get the second one free!), I realise I am falling behind with the blog.

The many, many fluid ounces of beer are giving me a form of writers block.

Therefore, rather than wait until later, until I feel I can write at my best, I will bullet point the day's antics (and tomorrows, as I am writing today's tomorrow - if that makes sense).

(I think that last comment broke the space time continuum)

Shit I saw today:

  • Old faithful
  • Prismatic Geyser
  • Flew at 12750 ft through the Teton mountains
  • Elk
  • Coyote
  • Probably a lot more

Lunch was exciting for one reason, and one only: the courtesy car was a truck. This truck:
(my picture, which makes this monstrous truck look even bigger, follows soon)

Arby's was our destination of choice for lunch. 

(I think Arby's is a thing you try only once. Like eating play doh)

And we went a day without internet. Literally, there was no internet at both the airports we stopped at. We're deep in cowboy country now folks!

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