Saturday 7 July 2012

Montana & Wyoming Day 9 - Cody, WY to Cody, WY

Hmmm, I should have thought about this set of blog posts before calling them all Montana. A dilemma arises. Do I go for Wyoming Day 1? Though technically it's day 2, or one and a half. Should I call it Montana & Wyoming Day 9? And go back and change the rest? Maybe.. or do I carry on regardless of the fact we weren't anywhere near Montana today?!?!

I think I'll rename all the blog posts, it won't take long. Montana & Wyoming it is!

Today we basically did a big old loop into Yellowstone National Park and back again. It was pretty spectacular in the morning, until the weather started closing in. In the afternoon we filmed Old Faithful Geyser - but it was raining pretty heavily so we will no doubt go back and do it again tomorrow. Old Faithful is probably the most iconic feature of Yellowstone NP, so we want to make sure we get it in the right light, so to speak!

Our DeLorme system is brilliant. I've harped on about it once, but am going to do so again. It's absolutely chuffing marvelous! I can see a topographical map on my iPad, with our helicopter as a marker in the middle, and see the name of every mountain peak, lake, forest, creek and even ditch around me. Not only does it allow me to do a better job of logging the things we are filming, it also means I can play spot the geographical feature, and see if I can pair up the map with the outside world, whilst zooming along at over 100mph. Great fun!

I'm going to keep today's post short, and tomorrow will add in some photos and what not.

Oh yeah, and we filmed bears! Frickin bears! How cool is that?!

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