Saturday 30 June 2012

Montana & Wyoming Day 3 - Polson, MT to Great Falls, MT

Our longest day of filming yet (and in fact possibly ever)! 6.9hrs of flight (which is about as much as you can do on two tanks of fuel), and seven shot tapes. And the footage we got was outstanding!

Being a bit mad, I decided to go for a jog first thing, so I set my alarm at silly-o-clock (that's 5am), and off I set. But did I factor in the higher altitude? Nope. So after 20 minutes I'm struggling to breathe as I'm running around alongside this stunning lake. Even so, it was superb!

We met for breakfast at 6:45 and I treated myself to pancakes with some sausage patties. I cannot understand why the only place you can get sausage patties in the UK is at McDonalds! They are delicious. I'm quite tempted to get a 40ft freezer container and ship a ton or two back - there's got to be a market for them back home. If you go to the states, do NOT miss out on the best thing america has to offer.

This was, of course, washed down with a gallon of lukewarm liquid, that's probably coffee. Or bovril. Or river water. I'm not sure. I am missing tea though, to the point that I can feel physical withdrawal symptoms. Typical isn't it? On trip 1, I have neither kettle, nor tea. On trip 2, I remember the tea, but forget the kettle! On trip three, I remembered the kettle - but in my rush to the airport I didn't have time to pick up any tea bags. And the shooting schedule has been so full on that we've not even had a chance to pop in to Walmart.

After our action packed day, Simon the pilot retired immediately to the sanctuary of his room (and who can blame him!), whilst Richard, Colin and I were treated to some live country music at the local gaff. Can't say it was the best music in the world (you know it's a bad sign when one of the singers is holding up a music sheet to sing along to), but the burger was delicious and I consumed my first salad so far on this trip!

Finally got some pics up, here's the view from my office!

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