Friday 21 November 2008

New York, New York

Wow. What a day.

3 days in and I'm already on my 3rd burger. And this is in New Jersey, where healthy food is almost an option. I dread to think what it'll be like in the southern states... I shall come back rotund.

Today we filmed Manhattan. Granted, it was only a test flight, to test out our Red Hen (which is actually painted black.... but hey), and it went really well, but it also gave me a chance to test the system and get in some much needed practice.

Weather conditions were stunning, we had excellent visibility and a clear blue sky, on a very cold day (something in the back of my mind makes me think that's a good thing). We flew for just over an hour, and I recorded some pretty nice footage of New York skyscrapers and the Hudson Bay. I thought I'd shot some beautiful footage of the Statue of Liberty and Elis Island - but alas, I'd run out of tape and not noticed. Very frustrating, but I can only kick myself a little - I was trying to balance both control panels on my knees, and trying to do Richard's job as well, and the VTR readout was obscured. Since this was a test shoot for the Red Hen, it doesn't matter anyway.

In any case, it was stunning. And I'm now confident all the machinery is working to a good standard, and we've worked out what bits need changing and reconfiguring over the weekend. Jim is flying out currently, and will be with us soon, and tomorrow the real setup and bench testing can begin.

Must dash. We're off to supper. At our favourite place.... Ruby Tuesdays.

Perhaps I'll have a burger.....


1 comment:

mutti said...

Hello Burger Ben - fabulous to think of you flying over New York. x