I'm now in North Carolina (queue another graphic):

North Carolina is pretty cool. I'm now just outside the city of Raleigh (which I think is the state capital). Interesting facts about North Carolina:
- Home of the first flight by the Wright brothers (and I saw the site they did their flight from the other day, photos to follow).
- Population of roughly 9,061,032.
- Home of a lot of Tobacco and Cotton plantations (though these are becoming less profitable).
- They have "grits" here.
- We are staying near the William B Umstead National Park. Yes, that's right, the B. Umpstead national park.
So I did.
And they are gross. Basically they are just ground corn, like selmolina, but savory. Not my cup of tea at all.
On the mention of tea, I'm glad to report that I have consumed three cups of almost english tea, though I have made a bit of a mess in the process. American's don't really do tea - or at least, not in the way it should be done (when I say should, I do of course mean the British way). Hotel rooms here are loaded with appliances: a 32" flat screen tv, 3 lamps, a fridge, microwave, coffee percolator - but no kettle. There are even 2 phones - in case I find it hard to move the 2 metres away from the bedside phone to the one on the desk. Or should I say 2 yards. Anyway, sans kettle, I have succeeded in making tea using the coffee percolator. Although, each time so far I've overfilled it - resulting in a tea expedition to the furthest corners of the side unit. Oops.
Right. Time to work on this map.....