Tuesday 2 December 2008


Today started well. I had a fine breakfast, washed down with lots of weak american coffee, and after some pork patties, eggs, a bagel and some fruit I felt set for another day of a sore bum in the helicopter. (For those of you who have just joined - the sore bum is due to the very small seats. Nothing else).

So I briskly, yet calmly, set about my start-up procedure. Gave the lense a good old clean, made sure we had enough tapes in the chopper (Richard gets cross when I call it a chopper, as a chopper refers to a specific type of helicopter, not helicopters in general - however this is my blog - and thus, today at least, I'll call it a chopper), and carried on sorting bits and pieces out. Moments later, I glance up to see Richard marching towards the helicopter with a stern look about him. "There's a TFR starting at half-ten, we need to get going, there's no time to lose". "Oh, right", I replied, and sped up my duties. "TFR?", I wondered, as we lifted into the air. There hadn't been time to ask before we left, and now Simon (our pilot) was chattering away to air-traffic in some sort of wierd latin chant. Thunderstorms From Rear? No, sounds far too much like farting (which is strictly forbidden inside the helicopter, ahem, I mean chopper). Terradactyls Flying Recklessly? Perhaps, but only in my mind... After failing miserably to come up with anything remotely sensible, I finally asked. Temporary Flight Restriction.

And this is where George comes into play. It seems old Dubya ain't happy pissing off half the world - he decides to spend his last few weeks in office directly pissing us off too - by landing at our first location of the day. And so we rushed off to film Greensboro as quickly as possible - but despite our best efforts, we had barely started by the time Mr Bush approached, and we were forced to land.

Air Force One - Skyworks Nil

After spending 3 hours on the ground (I knew I should have bought myself that damn Nintento DS), and watching the middle part of Patriot Games, we left.

Later in the day we filmed various bits and pieces, before ending up in some mountains. I spied the most awesome twisty bendy and empty road in the whole of America - and for the first time since I started, wished I'd been on the ground, in a car rather than in a helicopter. One day I'm coming back here and driving the Blue Ridge Highway.

Supper was less than interesting. I think I've now filled myself to breaking point. Having eaten about 120% of my capacity for the last two weeks, I could barely manage half a meal this evening, and felt full after the first bite. There's a gym here in the hotel and I have plans to make use of it tomorrow morning.

Time for a cup of Almost English Breakfast, and then I think I'll watch my new DVD in bed. Inspired by my recent experience of grits, I've bought myself "My Cousin Vinny".


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