Thursday 20 September 2012

Wyoming Day 1 - The Rig

Like the four horsemen of the apocalypse we have returned. Death, War, Famine and Pestilence as the locals have named us, or Richard, Colin, Simon and myself as we're actually called.

On our last adventure we filmed the top left bit of Wyoming (Yellowstone National Park), and now we're back to finish the job and finish the state. No corner will be left unshot. No bird's nest will be left undisturbed as we roar through the sky.. ahem. No. We're actually quite discreet and most of the time you'd struggle to know we're there!

This shoot is going to be our shortest yet in the USA. With only about three quarters of the state left to film, we'll be done and dusted and back home by the 29th - only 9 days from now! Upcoming highlights to include The Devil's Tower (of Close Encounters Fame)

Our helicopter might, just might, look a bit smaller than this mother of a mothership.

oil refineries, bison, a statue of a fictional animal called a Jackalope, some truly awesome looking mountain ranges, bits of road, some farming activity no doubt, a Uranium mining region (thank god we wear haz mat suits in the helicopter - oh wait), and a raft of other places.

Today though, was about setting up the rig. I attempted to film a timelapse on my go-pro camera system, but I think it failed miserably. I'll see what I can salvage and put together in a minute. All the kit is working well, though we're waiting for a mount to turn up tomorrow morning before we head off and start out shoot!

The kind on the left, not the right.

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