Saturday 13 December 2008


It seems that Skyworks and Presidents of the United States of America do not mix. Once again we were grounded by a president, this time Jimmy Carter.

We accidentally filmed his house, and by the time we landed 50 miles away, we received orders from the Secret Service to wait until an agent arrived to talk to us. Less than 10 minutes later, we were being interviewed by said agent, who took down all our personal details and copies of our passports. Agent No-Name then sat next to me and made me delete the footage of Jimmy Carter's house. It was "an issue of national security".


I'll write more later from a more secure location. They could have read this before I've even posted it.... ;) (In case anyone, and by that I mean you people at NSA, hadn't realised, that was a joke. I have nothing further to write about this, or the Secret Service.....)


1 comment:

mutti said...

Big American Brother is watchng you....mind you we are too....x